2012 videography kickstart project.

Salam and good day people! It has been awhile preparing to launch our wedding videography packages. Alhamdulillah saya telah menjadikannya satu kenyataan. But it is not the time yet to celebrate. Lots more to learn and face in this new world. Jelas di sini, saya sangat hijau dalam bidang videography. But it is my passion to do it. Bila kita minat, kerja pun fun2 je. without any doubt, we are giving away 5 HIGHLIGHT WEDDING VIDEO for FREE! The promo is exclusively for package A and above.Check the package available here. Grab it and please be fast as we hate to disappoint the late comers.hee
Email us at ezywedstudio@yahoo.com for more detail.

PROMOTION EXPIRED. Congrates to the five couples! ;)


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